An intriguing film by Boris and Claire Jansch looks at the big question we all ask ourselves: who am I?
Who’s Driving the Dreambus? (Baci Films) is a documentary examining the journey of life, featuring perspectives from notable philosophers, writers, and spiritual leaders.
As the winner of the Premier Award at the Insight Film Festival, Who’s Driving the Dreambus? explores topics from consciousness and choice, suffering and free will, and enlightenment and meaning in everything.
Who’s Driving the Dreambus?
With Boris as narrator, the film follows a series of interviews with spiritual teachers as he documents his own spiritual quest. The common questions people ask themselves at points between birth and death include: Who am I? What is my purpose? How can I feel happiness? What happens to me after I die? Who’s Driving the Dreambus? takes on a non-dualism perspective in which those interviewed present ideas that life is about unity rather than separateness.
This Idea of Life
Featured in the documentary are Gangaji, Tony Parsons, Guy Smith, Jeff Foster, Dr. Amit Goswami, Genpo Roshi, Timothy Freke, and Toni Packer. These spiritual thinkers discuss ideas that test the way in which individuals consider their life’s purpose and meaning.
Foster describes an individual as a “story” or an “idea” that is happening in the present, and there’s nothing to fear upon death because it will just be the end of a story or an idea. Gangaji adds that there is a seeking for union present in every form of life—for example, humans seeking the union of love—and it is a radical way of thinking to change any perspective of reincarnation or reunion after death. The interviewees challenge viewers to consider a non-duality universe.
“What happens if you wake up and there is no other? If there’s no division, ultimately, between you and anything? And what you really are is everything?” asks Freke.
Parsons explains that “The beauty of life is that it is without purpose. The beauty of life is that it is simply what it is.” He goes on to say that living is an “adventure of unknowing, the adventure of freefall.”
Fascinating Look at Spirituality
Who’s Driving the Dreambus? is a film that will give viewers new ideas and different perspectives to consider during their spiritual quests. It is a though-provoking look at the meaning and purpose—or absence of—in life. Like Parsons says, “The most fascinating problem in the world is, ‘Who am I?’”
For more information, please click > Who’s Driving the Dreambus?
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