Understanding how space and time work together gives insight on when to take a step, wait, or continue to pay attention.
Question: How do I balance my beliefs that say we create our own reality with the one that says “let go and let God”?
How do I discern when it is time to make things happen (take action) versus allowing things to happen (waiting)?
Both beliefs have great value in my life. Sometimes I feel it’s time to take action, but then my efforts feel blocked.
Other times I feel it’s time to wait, but then I just seem to get stuck.
It feels like the pendulum is always swinging and I’m a step behind. I sure could use some personal coaching on how to make decisions.
Answer: Dear one, thank you so much for bringing forth your question. Alana is excited because what you are talking about here is creation. This question is the basis that forms manifestation and the ability that comes forth from intention.
The Spaces Between Our Words
What Alana hears in your question is that you have desires and you also pay attention to your intention. Also, you are examining your intention and attempting to figure out what is coming forth as you hold it.
Recognize dear one that when we create a beautiful story, we tell it in words. But within that story, we also have spaces between the words. It is the spaces between the words that allow the story to make sense and provide a greater definition of what you are creating.
Understanding how space and time work together gives one insight on when to take a step, wait, or continue to pay attention. By sensing into this space between the words and determining what that space–your wise inner nature–is telling you at that moment is a highly useful intuitive skill.
Practice building your intuition–listening to the space between the words.
Fueling Your Intention
Ask yourself how the present moment feels. Meditate on the present moment and sense if you are feeling connected and at one with the power of all that is, this will aid you in developing a clear channel for information to flow.
If at that moment–while asking these things–you feel powerless, then reconnect to your nature and to all-that-is. As you center you will fuel your creations. When you go into your nature and recognize your power, what comes next is a reflection in the physical or creation based on your intention combined with collective reality.
Now when you notice you feel unclear and are not sure if you should take a step forward or wait, it is probably because you’re wanting to realign to your power center. Once you do you’ll know what step to make, wait, take action, or continue asking and listening. Again, remember to move into your center.
There is no standard answer to your question that is black or white. There is no way to be one hundred percent sure all of the time. Life is a freeform dance. What Alana is directing you to do and be is to gain a greater sense when you are centered and connected to your power center. This way you will know which way to move with life’s pendulum.
Hopefully, Alana’s answer created a little bit of clarity and understanding. The spaces between the words are what provides meaning. Do you see? Sometimes we need to just step back and see the whole picture, find our center, so we can gain a clearer understanding. Time tells the whole story as we use our time wisely.
Thank you dear one for your question.
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