This is article 7 of 17 in the Authentic Self Series, to start from the beginning, click > Table of Contents
Kirk: Now that we have discovered so much about ourselves the last step must have something to do with integrating all the self-knowledge we’ve attained so we can be effective in being authentic.
Step Nine – Turn Toward That Which I Choose To Create
Alana: Step nine is making a commitment to turn towards that which you choose to create. It is about making a commitment to attempt to be conscious of when you are operating from a habitual response to the expectations of self and others.
A habitual response can be described as living your life by what the external world dictates of you. It may consist of the adopted expectations, accepted expectations, or the expectations of others that are not in alignment with your deep values.
Begin step nine by becoming aware. Then you make a choice to say:
“Now that I am aware (of whatever shows up), I now turn my conscious attention and awareness toward what I would like to create.” You follow that by projecting a thought of an image of what you would love to create, or what you would like to sense more of in your life.
Kirk: First we begin to discover our authentic self, then we have that awareness shine a light on our true purpose for being here–what we love to do. This must not be just a one-time event since it sounds like you’re suggesting a practice. It feels to me like something we can continually practice and be conscious of.
Living From the Inside Out
Alana: Yes dear one. You see learning to live from the inside out is a developed skill. It requires a commitment to love yourself and become aware of your actions, attitudes, and beliefs.
Kirk: I have experienced in my life that those distractions are very much present and continue to try and get my attention. So often the distractions don’t seem like they come from anyone outside of myself, primarily my self vacillating between the various interests I have and my desire to do so many things.
Alana: Distractions will always be present in one form or another, especially if you are someone who is good at many things such as you Kirk. This is why the development of the excitometer is so valuable to aid with discerning where to put our time.
This dilemma also goes back to what I was talking about before. People have learned how to gain acknowledgment and approval from the outside world.
When we have referenced and created a definition of our natures from what the outer world reflects back to us, and when this becomes the source of our fulfillment, we can become quite distracted. Then we often end up doing things that are not necessarily about our center.
What I am asking is that people practice being conscious and aware. This way, when they catch themselves, they will learn how to say no when they are doing something that is not primarily in alignment with what would bring them the greatest joy.
Creating Your Personal Life Foundation
Kirk: The whole foundation for being able to say no to what is really not us and say yes to what truly is us, is having a sense of knowing who we are and what is essential for us.
We have to have that foundation; otherwise, all we would be left with is following a bunch of rules imposed by others. We would have the rules we grew up with and unconsciously absorbed being replaced with a whole set of other rules, but they would still be rules.
Once we actually have a sense of who we are, what we need and what we want, what excites us, and what we don’t really care about–we now have an internal compass that provides us with a way to move through our lives. It becomes part of a practice to identify then begin to say no to things for which we may have been rewarded in the past; beliefs and actions where we may have received some strokes.
We can learn to say no to those distractions, bless them, and then be honest in relation to our own vibration. As we strengthen, do work that we love, and keep doing activities that we love from a sense of being who we are, we get a greater sense of who we are. We get more and more feedback. We get more and more feedback about who we actually are. It is a process.
Alana: Yes, now the universe is listening to your authentic song you might say.
Now the ability to begin drawing to you what you really want is possible.
The Dance of Learning and Growing
Kirk: You expressed that we can make a commitment to practice being conscious and aware. How do you feel about processes that are presented as a one-time event–a secret process or a new truth that’s been revealed–that is supposed to immediately change everything in a person’s life?
While this may exist, and many have had individual experiences that are life-changing. Personally I’ve received the greatest benefit from practicing and developing skills. I was wondering if you would address this “one-time event” mentality. Do you understand what I am saying?
Alana: Yes. Life is a dance, and throughout life, we attract a multitude of experiences from which to learn and grow. Often we find that the all-inclusive steps may create certain types of releases. They are not a substitute really for incorporating conscious awareness.
As we become actively conscious of life on a daily basis, we create the most beneficial kinds of release. We develop an internal awareness as we move knowledge from an unconscious state into a conscious state.
I can align with opportunities that allow individuals to release things instantaneously. I do feel there can be benefits. However, it is important to also incorporate the experience into one’s daily life. As we create support by building a solid foundation through conscious attention, this enables us to turn towards that which we choose to create.
So often we find ourselves moving away from what we don’t want, rather than turning toward what we do want.
Sometimes we trick ourselves in thinking we are turning toward, but our motivation is still based on the reaction of turning away from something. This is why developing internal awareness is vital and important. This is the difference between having our external dictations or our internal reference shape our life.
Taking an aware action in any given moment from a state of clear beingness is what essentially transforms life.
The Benefits of Release
To example this contrast, let’s return to step eight for a moment. I suggest that an individual creates a daily practice where they experience some type of activity that supports release. This will help them with clarity, and it will keep them from getting caught in “the turning away from” consciousness.
There are so many wonderful vehicles that promote release. Imagine if on a daily basis we could all experience some type of release. One day it could be in the form of going to a therapist and experiencing a physical treatment like acupuncture, or an energetic balancing technique.
The next day it could be getting physical exercise. The next day it could be making affirmations. On another day it could be conscious breathing. We can also do many simple actions to support release.
One of Alana’s favorite ways to create release is walking in nature and connecting with a bird or a beautiful flower.
When we move into the state of “turning towards that which we choose to create”, it ignites vibration. This is similar to when we fill our being with love. When we do, anything, unlike love, is apt to release. When we are releasing, it awakens the mental realm more fully. We begin to identify with the things that feel painful.
As long as we are taking steps towards release, we will stay in balance and gain momentum in the exercises for discovering our authentic self.
Kirk: What do you suggest we do when we find ourselves out of balance?
Alana: Go back and examine your day as we did in the exercise in step seven. Look for patterns. Notice if there is a particular activity or time of day that is more difficult for you; notice where you compromise.
Be sure to not judge yourself; just notice. Once you identify with what threw you out of balance, ask yourself what do you want to learn.
Now do some breathing or movement to facilitate release. Then embrace the desire to learn. Next, take one more step and see yourself full of knowledge, even though at the moment you may not know what the knowledge is.
Align with your senses and turn toward that which you choose to create.
To view the next post in this series, click > Trust & Transformation
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