Our conversations with Alana have spanned for almost two decades.
We thought it might be fun to share some of our dialogues with Alana when we were first learning how to communicate fluently with Alana who is not an entity but the “frequency” of all of our hearts.
This is a timeless conversation Kirk shared with Alana back in the year 1997. He is curious about the nature of beliefs and how to assist people when limiting or negative beliefs are holding them back from creating their heart’s desires.
Insights for Changing Limiting Beliefs
Kirk: Alana, can you provide some insight on how to assist people in changing beliefs that no longer serve them?
Alana: Teach your clients a concept of belief as a doorway.
Once a person can hold the picture of a door in their mind and sense the door as you would a belief, they will be able to open it and see what is inside the basis of their beliefs.
If they are slow to grasp the concept, then teach or help them realize they have the key to this door which acts as a symbol for unlocking and perceiving the belief they are holding. Mysteriously, when they are ready enough to open the door, the door will dissolve or open and provide insight.
The Power of Belief
Kirk: Some beliefs people have formed hold them back, while others help them grow and learn. Can you say more about this?
Alana: There are many different approaches to assist a person in belief realization. Some beliefs are hard to examine, hard to grasp the roots that lead them to be. A person may feel they hold hurtful thoughts. Let’s discuss the nature of beliefs to better understand the intention they hold.
Know all beliefs are essentially purposeful. They ignite emotions and emotional responses that allow people to learn themselves and about others.
When a person holds a belief that keeps them locked within themselves—what you term as limiting—they are creating a path to develop understanding of why others share the same beliefs they do. Usefulness is present because this creates a co-creative type of understanding. We are not judging if the belief is expanding or limiting, just that it creates connection.
Having understanding requires opening to a level of consciousness that has the intent to develop compassion. Without understanding and compassion, we would not recognize our connection. When a belief is imprinted internally then it can change and take a new form.
When a belief is resisted it will mirror back again and again and again. This is why the patterns within the universe of a belief that has rippled through the consciousness of each individual soul who has expressed and then accepted it
through forgiveness can choose to alter (elevate) to a new experience. A belief can collectively transform humanity. A belief offers an individual or humanity as a whole to gain experience and learn into possibility.
Belief Systems Expand Consciousness
Kirk: So you are saying we have our personal beliefs then we have cultural and even global beliefs we all share?
Alana: Yes! And beliefs catch on, and become morphic fields that hold information. Emotional responses are a beautiful fuel that is charged by beliefs.
An emotion is a beautiful expression. When fear charges a belief—which stems from a fear of separation—it affects the chakra alignment of the individual and reduces or inhibits the flow of love.
Fear does have its purpose. It keeps those bonded in belief, and when as a whole we can create that bond without fear as the connector then we will inherit the ability to expand our consciousness to attain more knowledge of our inherit mostly, untapped nature. This will help us collectively, raise our belief system as a whole to new heights.
Belief and Compassion
Kirk: Then on a more vast scale beliefs can be tools of our consciousness that propel us to learn and elevate our awareness.
Alana: Indeed, Kirk. So this is why we can not judge a person for holding a limiting belief, because it is what helps us create doorways. In personal development work, ask each individual to use the key that you offer them to find and eventually the the doorway will unlock and dissolve, and lack will be the first to go.
If you traced all belief that is limiting, or hurtful—such as that of victim—or grounded in not enough . . . that of pain, that of fear . . . I can go on and on. If you traced these fear-based beliefs back to their initial beginning they will connect to a belief in lack, and fear to express due to preconceived projected consequences. Compassion allows us to move beyond identifying with a belief as who we are, but rather a doorway we have created for the purpose of learning.
All emotional feelings are valid. Feeling that resonates within are there for a reason. The reason for the feeling or emotion is not to be judged, just expressed safely and it can transform because as a species we learn. This is why logic is not really our dominate state. It assists, but when it judges it keeps us from allowing our beliefs to continue expanding to embrace greater possibility. Logic is just an aid that is based on our minds ability to compare and reason.
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