Why is it that we get up each morning and go to work? You may be thinking: Wouldn’t life be more enjoyable if we didn’t have a job to go to? You may perceive the whole purpose of going to your job or work is to pay the bills. But, what if the reason you […]
Healing Visions: A Film by Annie Gusman Joly
The following film and transcription follow the artistic expression of Annie Gusman Joly. Annie describes her creative path and how starting in 1986—when she attended classes at the Esalen Institute—how her relationship to painting deepened and opened a door to healing. Perhaps her journey may provide inspiration for others to move beyond fear and channel […]
Bridging Differences: The Art of a Compassionate Marriage
All too often we receive questions for Alana asking advice on relationship and marriage conflicts. A love relationship will have its ups and downs because this is a part of cohabitation and sharing a life together. But why are some relationships more compatible while others are filled with power struggles and conflicts? In the following […]
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