To learn the 1-9 personal year details, click > Calculate and Determine Your Numerology Personal Year
The Four Personal Year in Numerology represents organization, continued development, and focus.
You may feel a bit restricted in some ways this year, but keep in mind that rewards from your applied efforts lie just ahead.
You are asked to be resourceful and to expand your preconceived limitations. This is a foundation year, so you may actually complete many of the “loose ends” (uncompleted projects) in your life. You are asked to let go of various distractions, while also defining and implementing the details that stabilize various areas of your life.
It’s All In The Details
You are really asked to create a solid and personal internal and external foundation. It’s a natural time to tend to the task of weeding and feeding in the belief department!
Write a long list of all the beliefs you have about yourself. Make one list for the positive beliefs and one for the negative beliefs. See how many you can discover in the process.
Look at the negative beliefs first then ask if they continue to serve you. If so, keep them on your list. (We will get to them in a minute.) If not, acknowledge that you thought of them, make a decision to let those thoughts go, and intentionally cross them off your list.
Now acknowledge the beliefs that you really like about yourself! Next to these beliefs write examples of these qualities as they are found in your life. Celebrate your findings by acknowledging there usefulness since these beliefs are part of your solid foundation.
What’s Holding Me Back, Internally?
It time to review and address the beliefs that you view as negative. Look for a common thought that runs through your list. Perhaps you can narrow the list of unuseful beliefs down into one or two negative beliefs.
Next, write a present tense positive affirmation that turns this statement into a positive attribute!
The purpose of this statement is to support you in changing your belief. This becomes a new daily affirmation. If you are unfamiliar with working with affirmations, Affirmations – Your Passport to Happiness by Anne Marie Evers is a useful book to get you started.
After a time (when it feels right), tackle another limiting belief by creating another affirmation. Over the entire year, you are essentially restructuring any old beliefs that no longer serve you by transforming the energy that holds the old beliefs in place. Notice throughout the year that your inner foundation is strengthening with the new beliefs. You’ll find that your newly formed and actualized beliefs are much more accurate in relation to your current values and ambitions, or who you truly are today.
What Are My External Distractions
Take some time to also examine your external environment. It’s a fantastic time to eliminate clutter, clean house, and rearrange the spaces in which you live and work. Let go of the things you have outgrown. Feng Shui can assist you in this process. An easy and helpful guidebook is, Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life, by Karen Rauch Carter.
You may also want to invest in some new “tools” to help you make progress in your life. No matter what field of endeavor you are undertaking, there are tools that can make the job more enjoyable, easier, and more efficient.
Improve Your Tool Set
Your Four Personal Year is about creating an optimal internal and external foundation. Building this foundation requires lots of digging, building forms, mixing and pouring concrete, removing forms, and filling in the dirt. If you’re tired of using only a shovel and wheelbarrow, consider upgrading to a tractor, power saw, nail gun, and cement mixer!
As you create the foundation of your life, what “tools” would you like to invest in?
Continue to practice self-love. Find things you can do that aid you in engaging in nature. Exercise and enjoying nature will help sustain your foundation. Also pay attention to your diet and what you eat. A healthy body supports a sound mind.
Along with identifying and eliminating distractions also clean up any projects that you started a while back. Completion, patience, and persistence are very important this year.
Consider adding physical things that can give you additional support in your home, such as a new desk or better lighting. Remember to maintain the balance from your Two Personal Year and express the joy and enthusiasm that you discovered last year.
To view the next post in this series, click > Progress and Freedom
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