When you look up the root of the word “intention” in the dictionary you find:
intend: have (a course of action) as one’s purpose or objective; plan.
Building on that definition you can now describe intention (noun) as: a thing intended as an aim or plan; the action or fact of intending (verb).
With this description you can gain an idea of what “your intention” in any given situation may communicate, but the dictionary definition falls short in conveying the essence of what an intention does when fueled by the deep seated nature within you that makes an intention such a powerful presence.
So now let’s ask: Why is intention so powerful when it comes to the laws of manifestation and the ability to funnel energy to transform our lives?
The Essence of Intention
One day we had the opportunity for Kirk to chat with Alana on the topic of manifestation. During the discourse we were surprised to receive an in-depth answer from the very vibration, frequency, or “essence of intention.” For the sake of giving the voice that shared the following information a personal name, it presented itself as “Ra.”
Interpreting channeled information is a lot like translating a foreign language until skill is developed between the spokesperson who is conveying, and that which is imparting the information. Often the communicated words seem to speak more to an intuitive part of us that receives insights like they were “thought packets,” dense packets of information that is powerfully packed within a few words.
Unraveling and understanding the deeper meaning of the words in each thought packet requires expanding your perceptions to grasp the meaning beyond the mind’s logical interpretation. As you read the following dialogue it is best to take a few moments, as you would prior to meditating, so your inner ear is open to receiving more detail.
In the beginning of the communications from Ra, Ra is describing the state of channeling, and Ra goes on to describe the essence of the nature of intention and the connection between the human heart and mind.
The Trance State of Channeling
Kirk: Can you describe what is happening during the deep trance state that makes it possible to actually talk with non visible entities and universal frequencies, such as collective heart, or in this case the “essence of intention?”
Ra: The trance state that is entered when one moves into the state you refer to as “getting big”—an expanded consciousness state where the body feels it loses the definition from its surroundings—is when consciousness expands past the sole attention of the body and merges with a different dimension for whatever purpose the intention of your seeking has in that moment. You can consciously intend, or your higher nature may be doing the intending.
When this happens, consciousness may seem detached from the body, not the soul detached from the body. In this state, one accesses an ageless state not restricted by time and space as long as one is connected to the soul. This is similar to the state one enters prior to death of the body, however the intention here is not to create a death transition. The point here is that the being who is conveying moves into an ageless space as their conscious perceptions move one’s focus from the space-time continuum of their physical environment.
Soul gives life. Attachment gives age. Dimension shifting is how we create healing and often instantaneous healing that can ripple back into the physical. A thought energizes or creates intention, and intention can shift consciousness to access a shape shifting ability by moving one’s consciousness into vastness—vastness as a noun—or a state of getting big to access or connect and thus blend with a part of one’s multi-dimensional being. We can go further to say we can also blend with the essence of all that is when holding this expanded intention of conveying.
The Essence of Light & Dark
Kirk: From your expanded observation can you describe how this occurs?
Ra: One finds the formula for creating this state of being by looking into oneself, ardently—again, ardently as state of being—with the heart in full motion. The rhythm is attained to unlock the door to all that is witnessing its light or intention. The heart Chakra is open or expecting to receive—again a state of being not doing.
All that is as thought, light is intention. That is why thought contains darkness. That which is empty or thought, becomes full or light—meaning it is filled by intention—and heart gives it life. And life is best served in full thought and in full light by joy, laughter, and delight because those states are experienced in the now, which leads to being full of oneself or big in consciousness.
When one creates this state of being or is able to move consciousness into different dimensions to experience one’s vastness, fullness, emptiness, or whatever will serve the thought (emptiness), until the light (intention) directs the self’s affairs, agendas, desires, experiences, focus, teaching, action, reaction, creation, or intention of these when consciously directed. One is thus creating their reality rather it be consciously, or subconsciously—or perhaps it is directed through limitation or fullness depending upon the blending of thought, intention, and heart!
Fueling Intention with Attention
Kirk: Thank you. As the frequency of intention, do you have a message you would like to share with humanity?
Ra: Open the gates to other realms. Learn to heal oneself by expanding awareness into vaster dimensions so you may alter past, alter future probabilities and possibilities to create the eternal now within itself. Now within itself is when one is truly home, it happens only once and that is all that it can be for that is what is limitless and always present.
Ra as intention brings you the strength to arrange creation, and heart will guide your light so that your purpose shall be full of one’s divinity shining like the moon reflecting the sun’s intent to go on to stir the qualities that only heart can bring into blossom. The moon reflects the sun as our reality reflects our intention, and heart is what creates the fullness.
Nature creates the wind, the water, and the air to bring knowingness of feeling to that which man creates with nature’s feelers. We shape material so that we may feel our creations.
And now it is time to refrain (rejoice) the feelers (the elements) and direct them with light (intention) so that man may celebrate the feeler’s freedom to feel fully and without fear. But to experience and feel the loyalties and wholeness that the wind, the water, that all the elements bring within our emotions to bestow heart’s full tone. Nature watches intently to serve her gifts whenever one’s intent chooses to feel full. Joy-filled emotions direct nature to fill oneself with full light while the full and rich void, or darkness, eagerly awaits instruction.
Rejoice in the elements of being human in full thought, full light, full love, knowing oneself infinitely to bring the qualities of Heaven to Earth as you ardently look within oneself to discover the magic of creation.
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