Question: What is the best way to handle the increasing rudeness, aggressiveness in the name of assertiveness, put downs and plays for power in our society? I believe that most of these individuals have been bullied themselves so that they have become bullies. I am determined that this behavior will not happen to me, yet […]
Grief Over a Long Distance Relationship
Question: I am in a relationship and my significant other, has returned to his home state. This has left me emotionally drained and sad. I am hoping there is a future for us, but right now, I find it hard to get through each day without him. I find myself crying and thinking about him […]
Conflict Resolution Tips
Question: When one undergoes a major challenge in life, how can one use negative responses in such way that they might be transformed into more harmonious and light-filled experiences? I would appreciate any tips you may have to help me resolve the conflicts I fell faced with. Answer: Hello, dear one. It is delightful to […]
Friendship’s That Hurt
Question: I’m sick of being backstabbed by a now ex-girlfriend. She has been talking about me behind my back, and just been flat out hurtful. I don’t know what I’ve done to cause this. For Christmas, I received a beautiful gift, and she even wrote, “I’ll always love you,” on the card. I don’t understand […]
Divorce and Child Custody
Question: After going through marriage counseling I decided to get a divorce and I’m fighting for custody of my two boys. It has been going on for about a year. So far I have modified custody but we haven’t gone to court yet. Also my ex husband turned me in for some checks that I […]
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