Question: How do I break out of this negative cycle and step into the prosperity of life in my marriage, finances, emotions. Heck, just all of it? I would like to believe that it is in front of my face. I need to know what to do to make prosperity happen so I can see […]
Manifesting Through Intention
Question: What spiritual guidance can you give me to facilitate the full manifestation of my vision to bring a wonderful environmental product to all of the Hawaiian islands? Answer: Hello, dear one! Alana is delighted to hear from you and to have such a beautiful question brought forth. Alana feels in your nature a desire […]
Empowering our Destiny
Question: About five years ago I had a palm reading. The reader told me that between the ages of twenty-eight and thirty there was going to be a major life change. She did not know what it would be. She also said that I would be coming into some money. I am now twenty-seven and […]
Question: I am contemplating making a change and am considering two jobs. One direction pays well and allows me to be near my friends. The other is only freelancing and doesn’t even pay my bills, but allows me to spend time with my mom, write, and take photos. I love where I live and my […]
Synchronicity Isn’t Always as Appears
Question: I was lead through a vision quest last summer to get directions from a woman. The vision quest actually became real in a bazaar Indiana Jones type of adventure to journey to this person. I keep getting very strong connections to work with this person but the other person does not seem to get […]
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