Non-profit organization Global Mindshifts seeks to inspire a global dialogue that focuses collective interests and collective objectives to foster creative cooperation.
Change comes about from motivation, and motivation can come from many sources—such as our selves, our families, and our communities.
To find motivation within our selves, we must start an intimate conversation about our true, authentic being and intended purpose.
The following is a transcription of a visual meditation on being authentic created and narrated by Virginia Fitton for Global Mindshifts.
Meditation: Being Authentic
Be authentic: So, to begin, let’s try to get our minds around the words be authentic. What does that really mean, be authentic? Be real? What does that mean? Be genuine? What does that mean? Be your true nature?
As you look at the words be authentic you see that it’s addressing a perennial question: who am I really?
And the word authentic is related to the word author, originator.
And is there an original intent, purpose, an authentic purpose, something that you were designed originally to be?
Be authentic.
An Acorn Seed & Potential of Possibility
I brought a seed. Look at it. What do you see? It’s an acorn, and all acorns are similar. They have an identity. And each one is unique: there are no two alike.
Look deep. Is there something embedded in the acorn, already there? A true nature? An original intent and purpose?
This acorn seed has the potential of possibility of becoming an oak tree. It has no choice about it. It cannot be a carrot. It cannot be a tomato. It can become an oak tree if it is in right relationship. In right relationship to the earth, to air, water, and sun. And if it is not in right relationship it eventually decays.
Now, what is your authentic nature? Do you have one? Is there something already written into the seed of your very being? Is there a design already given, already there that is in the essence of who you are? If it’s something that you have no choice about, it’s a given, something that you are originally supposed to become.
Becoming authentic.
Being in Right Relationship
Perhaps your authentic nature is to become as loving as the system that produced you. And what does being in right relationship have to do with it?
Right relationship with the earth, right relationship with others, right relationship to yourself.
What are the consequences of not being in right relationship?
We are certainly presented with an evolutionary challenge, an emergent challenge to become authentic.
Follow Along, Listen to Being Authentic Meditation
We are delighted to share this thought-provoking meditation with you. You’re also encouraged to check out this free online course that takes you through a series of discovery steps to help you flow through life with greater authenticity.
Click to experience the free > Discovering Your Authentic Self Series.
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