Question: This may sound off the wall, but please bear with me. There is a group of us who believe that a certain person (living) travels to us in our dreams of his own will and visits us often in sort of an astral plane. We sometimes have the same dreams on the same nights […]
Recurring Dream with Same Person
Question: Ever since I was 12 I have had this same recurring dream. Every few months or so, or whenever I am feeling really low, I dream that a man (the same man) come to me holds me. He talks to me and makes loves to me. Then when I wake up the next morning […]
Recurring Dreams
Question: Alana, I have been having a recurring dream concerning the death of my youngest daughter. She is seven years old and in each of the dreams she is killed in some kind of car accident. I was hoping you could give me some insight into the recurring dreams because they are very disturbing to […]
Intuition Training and Chakra Balancing
Question: Recently I attended a gathering of a group calling themselves “lightworkers.” During the course of the event, a “healing” session began. One of the lightworkers stood up and began telling the group that Spirit wanted them to know about the troubles and dangers laying ahead. She proceeded to tell one woman in the group that […]
Question: Keeping secrets from the people you love is not supposed to be good for relationships, according to many sources I have read. Secrets build walls, create distance, and do not allow the people you love to see the real you. My question to you is this: If I did some things that I’m not […]
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