Question: My question is about soul mates and how does one know if they have met one? Is the soul mate relationship one in which the flow of love is easy and effortless? If there are challenges and conflicts in the relationship, does this mean that a person is not your soul mate and what […]
Friend or Lover: Is He Right for Me?
Question: Dear Alana, I have been dating a fellow for about two and a half months. I am feeling more and more attached and am finding myself becoming a bit anxious. I’m realizing that my best friend has been in a relationship for almost three years and, while she seems very “together” and emotionally is […]
Letting Go of Emotionally Unavailable Men
Question: I am wanting some advice about relationships. I seem to continue attracting the same type of man into my life: Emotionally unavailable! I understand my old “patterns” of relating to men, but have not yet been able to truly let them go. I know what I want in a relationship; I’m just not […]
Question: I’m wondering how to become more aware of the dynamics of emotions within a troubled relationship. I want to learn where a thought begins as people relate, and how to be more aware of my own dynamic and the dynamic of the person (or group) with whom I’m relating. Answer: What Alana wishes to […]
How to Pray
Question: How can I pray effectively? Answer: Thank you, dear one! Thank you for your question. Alana appreciates this question because it feels that it is one that can benefit many. Prayer is a beautiful communication. Prayer is a grand way to identify your desires, as well as a way to extend love into the […]
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