Question: Hi Alana, I have recently had a relationship break up and this has left me wondering if it is really over between us. I would really would like to know if my boyfriend will come back to me. Can you provide me with some insight or can you tell if we will get back […]
Womens Relationship Advice
Question: I am currently drawn to someone I have a connection with and that I feel has the same feelings. Trouble is, it’s very difficult because of who he is and the obstacles involved, such as distance and not being able to spend time with him alone. Am I just “going down the garden path” […]
Long Term Relationship Advice
Question: Dear Alana, As you cast about in the universe, would you please offer me some insights about my next steps? It seems that I am still questioning my relationship commitment with my partner. We have been together for awhile, and I am wondering if we are meant to be together long term. I am […]
Communication and Loving Relationships
Question: Alana, I am wondering if I have finally found my soul mate. Can you tell how long my current relationship last and if he really is the love of my life? Answer: Thank you for your question, Dear One. Alana is very excited for you as you are learning much about creating a soul […]
Single and Looking for a Soul Mate
Question: Hi Alana, I have often attempted to talk with you, as you have said, just as if I was picking up a telephone. I do not hear your voice (except for one time during my morning pages when your voice appeared and then later those pages magically disappeared). I realize that time to you […]
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