Question: Alana, recently you answered my question that concerned my wife who passed away on January of this year. I truly feel that we are soul mates because when I first met my wife I felt a feeling over my entire being that I had never felt before. The vibrations were truly strong. Since my […]
I’m in Relationship Turmoil and Don’t Know What To Do
…begin turning your thoughts to the devotion of your life rather than devoting your thoughts to wondering if you are going to be completed by a relationship with another. Question: Dear Alana, I am turning to you because I am very confused about relationships and I am in much turmoil. I have been married to […]
Choosing Self Discovery for Building Bridges in Marriage
Question: Will my husband and I stay together marriage wise after all these years of challenges and changes? Thank you. Answer: Hello, dear one! It feels that you both have definite deep connections and that the two of you came together to teach each other and learn much from each other. It feels that it […]
Advice on Relationships with a Married Men
Question: I’m in love with a man who is absolutely wonderful to me, that is when I see him. Unfortunately, that is not very often, because he is married. He tells me that he loves me and that he is only staying with his wife because of their children. I am beginning to wonder if […]
Pursuing Love Relationships
Question: I recently fell in love with a man for the first time in my life. He closed the door on our relationship, but I can’t. I’ve been doing TM meditation for 30 years, he is into Gurumiya, Siddha Meditation and other different paths, yet we have the same goal. I want to be with […]
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