…acknowledgment creates an energetic platform to assist your being in taking the next step.
Question: Hello Alana, I could use some inspiration and positive encouragement to help me know if I am making a good career and family decision.
I am forty-two years of age and have raised my family. I have been farming for about twenty years. I am feeling like I want to get off the farm and do something different.
I have an urge for personal freedom and want to begin doing things just for me. I would like a life change and am considering taking a job where I won’t be at home very much.
I would love to know whether or not I should take a job.
Answer: Hello, dear one! Thank you for bringing your question to Alana. I am delighted to hear from you and I am happy to fuel your wishes with inspiration and positive encouragement.
Beginning a Second Career
Your question is very interesting because it feels you have fulfilled a life purpose that you set out to create in this life.
Now you are ready and eager to move into the next possibility for your life that will also be fulfilling. Alana suggests that as you begin this next stage first take time to acknowledge that you have done quite well helping to support your family, your duties, your farm, and all the times you have accomplished what you set out to do.
This acknowledgment creates an energetic platform to assist your being in taking the next step.
Also, take time to get in touch with your heart so that you may feel what would bring about delight. Sense what would give you elements of joy and anticipation so you can wake up in the morning and greet the day with some enthusiasm.
Your being is getting ready to fulfill another aspect of your purpose and also add to the experiences of your life. When we are aware of accomplishment it is much easier to create a shift or find closure so we may begin a new cycle. Because we are goal-striving beings, the next step would be to extend and grow beyond what we have accomplished and mastered.
So, yes, Alana suggests it may be time to look to a new horizon. Contemplate your possibilities. Hold others able around you to grow with you, too.
Ask, “What could be the next experience that I could bring into my life to add to my wholeness that would allow me to thrive. What would add a sense of excitement to my life?” So, take this internal journey by asking these questions and explore the possibilities. Know your family is capable to grow through your changes.
Thank you, dear one. Alana is excited for you.
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