Question: I am looking for a new job and am in the middle of a career change. I am having a hard time finding other healing practitioners that I might be able to work with. I am ready to start my energy healing work, just not quite on my own yet. How do I find people who can help me develop my business?
Answer: Hello, dear one, and thank you for bringing forth this beautiful question. This is one that Alana is delighted to answer. I feel it is a question that will help many individuals understand how to bridge their interests and skills into professions and vocations that can deeply enrich their lives.
One of the first things I wish to do is congratulate and acknowledge you for the attentiveness you have given yourself and the love that you have listened to within your nature. In learning this skill you have acted upon the passions that lay within. You are tapping into a wonderful reservoir of energy and love within your being. Your desire to tap into this passion and translate your energy in ways that can uplift and benefit others, is really a wonderful gift that you are sharing. I wish to acknowledge you for your commitment, and for being a wonderful vehicle who is sharing your desire to contribute love, light, and energy into the world through the healing you offer.
Now let’s discuss how to get started by beginning to share your skills and talents. The first step is to begin building confidence in yourself. You can do this by playing with various individuals. You can invite people into a special space that you create in your home or studio–any location that feels good to you. Then begin to practice and play. This will help you build confidence in how to present yourself, and help you become aware of the benefits found in this beautiful energy exchange. Practice and play will create a new reality for you. It will bring you into a more realistic perception of what it is like for your sessions to move from a casual hobby into an actual profession.
I want to support you in creating a space where you are able to gather more evidence of what it will feel like to have your skills be demonstrated as an actual profession. First interact with family, friends, or peers who took classes with you. Seek out those people who are loving and supportive. Experiment until you get a sense of what it feels like to embody your skills on a professional level.
The next thing I would do is talk with other individuals who are also doing different kinds of healing work. You may find that you specialize in a certain unique way of translating energy healing. You may find that others are also doing work, but it may be different. You might talk with various professionals that do different types of healing work such as a chiropractor or a person who works with allergies. Learn about what they do and how they have built their practices. Explore what they did to share their abilities with others and make their work known. In this way you are going to gather a lot of information on how to bridge from casually sharing your skills to announcing what you do to the world as a profession.
As you talk and interview various healers and people involved in wellness, you will create many contacts. Through your communications, talking, sharing, asking questions, and learning, you can co-create much collaboration. This will naturally build many new relationships that can take you into many directions. People who are in similar soul families can find each other by getting out in the world and creating contacts.
Be curious and ask questions. Once you begin to align with some of your soul family, you will find that doors just naturally begin to open. You will begin to get a sense that your skills are much sought after and you will have more evidence that your passion wants to be experienced by others. They will greatly benefit from what you have to offer.
There are many people who have a desire to change their vocation and develop more alternative and holistic interests. Alana encourages those who have interests or passions that are bubbling within, yet unexplored, to do so by all means. Create space in your life to allow these interests to flourish. Doing this is an aspect of self-love. Give space to explore what you feel moved by or would like to learn. A commitment to learn creates a vibration that begins to open doors. This place of learning a body of work, and then practicing it, builds momentum. Eventually it will begin to translate into a wonderful new form of self-expression.
Now I hear another question that people may have. One may wonder how the approach Alana is suggesting can fit into their world in the way of supporting them. They may wonder how this strategy will support their pocket book? I wish to acknowledge that life is about balance. Sometimes we have to take baby steps before we can take a big leap in any particular direction. So, simply begin by taking baby steps, and they will accumulate into a powerful transition. From there, life can support a person’s desires to contribute love, light, and wellness.
Thank you, dear one, for your wonderful question.
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