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“Understand that God is beautiful divine energy that wishes to fill molds, wishes to fill thoughts, and wishes to bring forth creation for you. It wishes to assist you in your manifestations, and wishes to help you realize your worthiness.”
Alana: You can refer to the word “God” with whatever term pleases you. Some say All-That-Is, the God-vibration, divine light, and divine love. Of course, you can call it just love. Call it anything that resonates with your heart. Call it heart, if you wish. Call it the void, call it beyond nothing. Call the All-That-Is vibration simple and yet call it complicated. Call it whatever brings you the greatest expression of joy because it is joy. It is benevolence. God is pure benevolence desiring expression and creation. In holding this thought, remember that we are co-creators. Yes?
Understand that God is beautiful divine energy that wishes to fill molds, wishes to fill thoughts, and wishes to bring forth creation for you. It wishes to assist you in your manifestations and wishes to help you realize your worthiness. It cares about your values, your expressions, your needs, your passions, and your joys. As you go throughout your day, throughout your life, throughout your many lives, God is your fuel. The God vibration is there eagerly waiting to assist you in bringing forth energy so you may will it, wish it, desire it, fuel it with your ability to manifest. The God vibration sits intently listening. Listening so intently and waiting for you to put something into motion. God loves so intently that God will patiently wait until you have expanded your heart and fueled a desire with attention and intention. Then your mold will shape itself and await manifestation.
Now recognize that time is a factor in the physical realm of space. Time is your delightful tool to assist in bringing an intended thought, blended with velocity, into manifestation. Because God is benevolent, God will fill whatever mold you present. So here we are back to co-creation. Here we are back to judgment. Here we are back to discernment. Here we are back to respect for others and respect for ourselves. Here we are benevolently embracing compassion for ourselves. When you blend these steps together you will see clearly how and what you manifest. God is benevolent, so wherever you dwell with your thoughts is what you fuel into creation. Recognize that you are much bigger than just your mental thoughts.
Abundance is the truth. There are so many creations. Look at nature and the beauty of this planet. Earth is not caught in a dilemma of right-wrong or good-bad. When you look at nature, it is a beautiful symphony of creation. And because nature is so willing to thrive, the benevolence of All-That-Is can continually create new species of plants, animals, and much more. All elements coexist and thrive together. The All-That-Is vibration is benevolent in its desire to fulfill creation, so for each of you, there is no lack of supply. It is purely a perception when you feel separate or have beliefs that are of a limiting nature. Whatever it is that you choose to bring forth in your life—because the universe is so benevolent— bring it forth. So be it! You are a co-creator and the universe is benevolent. Bring that together and you have what is before you.
I must congratulate you all on your desire to create an expanded life, one that is elevated in love. The benevolence of All-That-Is is eagerly being here today waiting to fuel your beingness, your life, with more love and more bliss. If you think you can get blissed out and run out of bliss, I challenge you to try it. You will find that bliss is an everlasting creation. So with the knowingness that there is enough fuel and that All-That-Is is there eagerly awaiting you to put into motion something you can fuel into creation, I challenge you to think big.
To view the next post in this series, click > Communicating with God and All That Is
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