How to make fairy wings:
What little girl doesn’t want a good pair of faery wings?
They are great for the various May Day celebrations, to wear to costume parties, or for little any little girl’s Halloween costume.
Supplies Needed to Make Faery Wings.
What you will need to have on hand when it comes time to make a set of wings:
- 5-8 feet of 14 gauge steel wire, how long depends on the height of your subject, and 14 gauge wire is bendable enough for workability and strong enough to hold up.
- Wire clippers, duct tape, needle-nose pliers. Especially if you want to use longer wire and bend it into cool wrought iron shapes before fitting it into the wing shape.
- A pair of queen-size pantyhose in the brightest color you can find.
- Safety pins and a needle that are strong enough to go through duct tape along with thread.
- Various supplies to embellish your wings!
Directions in Assembling the Wings
Shape the wire into a figure 8. Next, secure the middle with duct tape and trim off any sharp ends.
You may want to reinforce the cut edges with more duct tape so you are sure you won’t get irritated by any edge.
Next, cut the legs off of the pantyhose and stretch each one over each wire wing shape by stretching it very tight and securing it at the bottom. This is where it might get tricky. Secure the edges if need be with duct tape to hold them in place. Next, sew the edges together, through the duct tape if you can.
At this point you can use the panty part of the hosiery for the halter. Its easy to cut out the crotch and slip it over your head. Or, you can use ties to secure the wings to your body. Sewing the wings onto the back of the halter works really well, though.
Playfully Decorate to Your Desired Look
Okay, now it is time to decorate your wings anyway that you’d like.
The old glitter and glue trick works well, or use colorful thick permanent markers, real flowers, or anything else you can imagine.
Gothic fairy wings look great when made from black pantyhose using a combination of black and gray lace and other gothic adornments.
Mom’s and sisters can teach their young daughter or siblings how to make fairy wings for their dolls by using pipe cleaners, scotch tape and pieces of old nylons!
Making fairy wings are a wonderful project to share that will bring many smiles to everyone involved as the child parades around with their very own personalized set.
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